News Release - BSMTTC News 167
Dateline: 23 December 2023
Party Night!
"Twas the night before Christmas....", well, actually, it was three nights before Christmas, and it was far from quiet! The scene was, of course, the club Christmas party. More than forty members and their guest gathered at Marine for an evening of music, dancing and fun. Their were prizes on offer, including a bumper cash prize of £50 for the lucky winner of 'play your cards right'! And all very ably organised by Club Chairman, Bernard Cooney, assisted by Social Secretary, Keith Hardman and other members of the club management team. It was a great night. There were fabulous Christmas hamper prizes in the grand prize raffle, a lucky ticket draw for a bottle of prosecco, and as mentioned, play your cards right! Five guests were drawn out of the hat to take part in Play Your Cards Right, trying to anticipate whether the next card was 'higher' or 'lower'. The crowd joined in with advice. Sadly every contestant failed to win! The result, the prize stayed in the pot to go to club funds! Overall a tremendous £300 was raised from the evening to support club funds. And, as you would expect, the bar was open - including tea and coffee of course! I believe everyone agreed, it had been a very good night!
Below there is a small selcetion of pictures from the evening.
And in conclusion.......
A great night out. Keep your eyes peeled for the next social occasion, or just pop in for some games of table tennis..... Happy New Year, everyone!