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News Release - BSMTTC News 184
17 December 2024

Juniors represent Liverpool

Four of the club's junior players were chosen to once again represent Liverpool in the junior divisions of the Lancashire & Cheshire table tennis league. They were Scott French, Shamal Harave, Kai Morgan & Keshav Harave. These players combined with players from Maghull TTC, Adwin George & Owen Miller, to form two teams, one for each of the junior divisions for this inter-league competition. 


Premier Division


The first round of matches was on Sunday 15 December. The Liverpool 1st team of Adwin, Owen & Kai are in the Premier Division. The standard here is extremely high, with teams from East Lancashire, Manchester, Wigan & Southport League's. The Liverpool team may not have won any of their matches, but all cam away with some set wins. It was a sign of their improvement, as last time out they came away with just about nothing at all! Life is always tough at the top. These three Liverpool players, in terms of standard are somewhere around Div 3 standard of our local league, whilst many of their opponents are performing at 1st division level. The good news is, they are improving all of the time.


The Liverpool Junior A Team - Owen Miller, Adwin George & Kai Morgan. 

Junior Division 1

It was a completely different story in Junior Division 1. The Liverpool team of Scott French, Shamal Harave & Keshav Harave, expected to face teams from Manchester, Wirral, Southport & Halton League's. But in the end had just two matches, both of which they were able to win comfortably, one at 6:0 the other at 5:1. This puts the team in a strong position for the second round of matches on the 16 March 2025. When hopefully they can consolidate on this and be in with a chance of gaining top spot.

For both teams though it was a great day of competitive table tennis, from which they can learn and develop. The teams were led by League Match Secretary, and Coach, Paul Hutchings and were supported by James Haskell & Andrew Armstrong.

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The Liverpool Junior B team of Scott French, Shamal Harave & Keshav Harave with coach James Haskell.

They will be hoping for a fuller programme of matches in the second round of the competition on the 16 March 2025.

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