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Gone Fishing......

Welcome to the first, of hopefully a number, of thoughts on life at Bath Street Marine TTC.

It seems like only yesterday since I previously wrote commenting on the pre-season review for the Club's teams in Division 5 of L&DTTL; but now its another Wednesday, and at Marine today there was a good mix of people as normal, including 2 new people, Sue & Jenny, taking the plunge to join us.

Wednesday is a very popular morning for a good old chin wag, catching up with people, finding out what they've been up to and generally just socialising over a game of table tennis or a coffee. But do you ever wonder what people get up to outside of table tennis? Like what did they do the previous weekend, what they will be doing the coming weekend, or even in between, or in the not so distant future? Some however, love table tennis so much they drive all over the place to various locations to play and it is a big part of their life that they thoroughly enjoy. For example, they even go to Anfield on a Tuesday afternoon to a new open play venture at the sports centre where there are great facilities to play and where, yet again, more people would be welcome. So come on, why not give it a go...

This week I discovered a few things. First, there was Migs walks in wearing her brand new BSMTTC

T shirt, very swish it was too! But like a lot of the women due to play in the league this year, she was not sporting the issued shorts! These were definitely designed by men for men, so guys don't expect to see any women wearing them!

Migs was heard to say that for her recent birthday she spent a few days in Barcelona, walked along Las Ramblas and saw the still unfinished Sagrada Familia Basilica. Maybe one day it will get finished. She apparently had a lovely time.

Then there's dear Don. He too had been away Southport. Maybe not very far away I hear you say, but he spent time in a luxurious hotel having a whale of a time, and didn't even have to do the cooking!

Liz Adams has been away on a cruise, where she saw her favourite pop star, Cliff Richard. She even touched him and was full of excitement about that. What a great time she had.

John Moore had been away too, he had been to Le Mans in France for a few days to the classic car run. Some old vintage cars were down on Albert Dock a couple of weeks back and some of them were used in a scene for a new film. The film shooting was outside the Playhouse theatre in town at night, but meant to take place in London!

And finally what of our dear Club Secretary Graham, he now has to come on Wednesday mornings as it is the only place where he gets a chance to win a game these days! How does he find the time to do everything he does? Not only is table tennis a big part of his life, but he also does a lot for charity. recently he was spotted at Morrisons supermarket in Ormskirk, collecting for charity. He looked very smart in his Salvation Army uniform and so proud to be wearing it. A passer by snapped this picture.

So you see, ask around, get talking to people and you find out all sorts of things. It really is surprising what interesting and varied lives our members seem to have outside of table tennis! I am sure there's a lot more yet that people do outside of table tennis, but for now this is all. No doubt next time my story will have a different watch this space.

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