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A Great Day Out!

Here we are, at the peak of the summer, and some of the hottest days not only of the year, but in some areas the hottest recorded ever! So, it seems like a great time to think about a good day out!

I am sure you have had many great days out! Maybe you would like to share experience of some? You only have to look at individual's Facebook pages to see the highlights of some of the great days out that members have had!

Well, here is a chance for another great day out! Of course, I am referring to table tennis! And in particular to the Club Tournament 22! It is 3 years since we have been able to hold our club tournament as a single day event, so it is with great pleasure that we have announced a tournament this year to be played on Saturday 17 September 2022. This year's event will be in the fabulous facilities of Anfield Sports & Community Centre in Liverpool, where it will be possible to have continuous play on 8 tables. We used Anfield for our last whole day tournament in 2019 and that proved to be a great day out.

We think this year's event will be even better. Our own team will be arranging refreshments for the day - at a modest charge to help us cover costs of the day - and there will be play suitable for every standard, including the return of the Fun Doubles, where the only handicap is your partner!

The event is being designed so that it is suitable for everyone, so not only will it give a chance to meet up with a wide selection of club members, some maybe that you have not met before, it will also give the chance to see some of our best players in action on the table. And, there will be plenty of games for everyone, win or lose.

All we want you to do is enter! Give it a try. Put your name down and come and see how you get on. Winning or loosing doesn't really matter, what does matter is having a great day out with good company!

The interesting thing about our club tournament is that so far, no player has won the main event more than once! Will that continue this year? Not so sure.......

What we are sure of is that this year's tournament will be a great day out! Come and play, or come and watch!

And here's a few of our former champions! Actually, I think it is all of them! Can you name them?



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